Sunday, January 31, 2021


i rose up in what persons would reflect a bad domestic. My mom and dad were in a bad relationship and they did nothing but argue every day. My mom would complain that my dad would stick in the basement almost every day and never spend any time with me and my dad would always have the same response that he’s doing research down there. The only problem was that we were prohibited from going down to the basement. Three locks were built in to the basement door and he kept as one key on his old key ring. The key had a undecided blue sign at the lowest of it with a chocolate corroded landfill. However, my mom finally got a hold of it somehow and that same day when I came home from school dad suddenly told me she left us for another man. He seemed truly broken and sunk in his misery so I tried acting I mean pretending to be normal at first but I could not stop crying like a baby when I got back in my room.


 Afterwards a few months of expressive failures my dad finally got ended it. Furthermore he started to visit the basement more consistently to the point where I would feel like lived alone. I kept thinking my dad was working very hard since I saw him being very distraught after coming upstairs from the basement. I thought everything was fine until, I started hearing noises at night. They were just regular noises. It was kind of someone’s crying and scream of agony but the most disturbing sound of all was the sound of growling like some kind of beast would exist down in the basement. The next morning I complained to my dad but he acted like he had no idea what I was talking about as he walked past me to get ready for work. So I just shook it off assuming that he was watching some horror movie down there or if I was just imagining the whole thing. I went back to my room as it was the weekend; I was ready to catch up some Saturday morning cartoons. 


I turned on my TV and I got ready to change the channel, I heard a familiar name the news reporter was naming over 40 missing people in our town and my mom was one of those names they briefly showed her picture and information. I was confused about who would file a missing person report for because my grandparents both died in a tragic car accident years ago. She had no siblings and my dad told me she left us for another man. I wanted to inform my dad but soon I was concerned it would make him depressed again and in a way I was still angry at her leaving us, so I ignored it and changed the channel. A few minutes later my dad came in to tell me he was leaving for work. He gave me a kiss on my forehead and informed me that he had been back later that night. After he left, I invited my best friend Austin to come over. He then arrived shortly after and we played a game on my PlayStation as we were about to plunge into the game, we suddenly heard a strange noise coming from the basemen. What was that Austin asked being confused? I don’t know my dad does some kind of experiments down there.

My Dads' Basement

It’s probably a rat or something. Austin looked amused. No dude we can’t go down there my dad said so I said quickly bringing an end to Austin’s excitement. It has no reason to doubt that Austin was disappointed. Then, he asked for something to drink so I went to the kitchen to get some juice for him. However, I was hit with a foul odor of something rotting as soon as I arrived in the kitchen. I looked around to see what could be the cause of the smell and I found that the basement door was cracked open. I went to close it but the curiosity got the best of me. So I called Austin to help me investigate. We darted down the stairs to the basement clenching our noses at that horrible smell. It was dark until Austin found the light switch and quickly flicked it on. However, we had to regret our decision instantly after we saw the inside of the basement. There were persons droopy from hangers with accidental members lost. As we were standing in horror Austin clenched my shirt strongly. I could see the piles of faces and human remains contained within certain sections of the room but the most disturbing and disgusting side of all was the cage in the dark right corner of the room. The inside of it seemed to be a person sleeping at first but as it looked up I quickly realized that thing was not a person. What is that Austin shouted shaking with fear? I ignored his question to be more specific I could not answer that thing was indescribably frightening. It looked like a deformed human with its mouth filled with crooked and ragged teeth covering a majority of its face. Its face pointed outward with creases where the nose should be the eyes were bulging out of its head as it fixated its glance toward Austin and me. Food it said to us slowly with excitement and a malicious voice then it started clawing and stalking at the iron bars of the cage with its needle like hands. In sat there in horror until, Austin grabbed my wrist. We ran up the stairs scrambling for the escape and shut the door. After I made sure it was perfectly locked I saw Austin sitting on the carpet floor with his knees to his chest. Once we had a few moments of silence, I then finally realized what really happened to my mom and those missing people in our town. At that instant Austin muttered like this your dad he was feeding those people to that thing. Now, what should I do know?

Friday, January 29, 2021


Its true horror story about my stalker. 

A few years back, I was a shift manager for a local big box pharmacy and convenience store. It was right across my backyard and I could probably sprint there in under a minute, if I really wanted to. So it really worked out for me. I was in my late 30 s. I worked out quite a lot and while I was fit and I was still a smaller girl. Even though I was married and I would constantly get hit on and asked out. It was pretty flattering but it always made me feel really awkward. Now this particular store I worked at was in a really weird part of town. It was on the right side of town to attract the cairns but close enough to the not so good side of town to attract the drug addict’s drunks and psychopaths. Anyway, let me say that I am not someone that gets scared easily. I have had someone high on net crash their car in to the side of the store causing the back of our store to bend inward because we did not carry pineapple juice.

The Stalker Stalking me on the way

 I had a man pick me up and throw me over his shoulder and start walking out the door with me saying that I had make a good wife yeah that’s one for the another time anyways it all started on a Sunday morning. I remember this because I was really busy building end caps and making sell signs. I was working with my favorite co-worker so the day was flying by and I was really bubbly this day. There was a man and his son that came into the store and they made a bee mine for me. The man was probably just a little less than six feet and he was skinny. The man had dreadlocks and a long skinny silver earring dangling from his ear. He also had this really tan trench coat that I found really odd because it was summer. Nonetheless though I had then greeted them and asked if they needed some help. The chasing man spoke with a really thick Jamaican accent and he said that his gaps stopped working and he wanted to see if we had any. I let out a really small laugh thinking he was messing with me. Ash no that would be at best buys or something but we do have a small section of electronics on this wall over here.

Camera footage Of tracker man

 I indicated the wall to the back of me. Oh thanks, he said taking a look but keeping his eyes one me. Something about those eyes just really chilled me. He was speaking another language to his son but kept going on about my task for the day and he would all me to help him asking me questions about chargers and SD cards. I answered then and then he started telling me how beautiful I was. Really awkwardly I had thanked him must work out yeah he asked um yeah yoga mostly I replied while getting more and more uncomfortable now. He had some more comments about my body telling me how he loved my tattoos and he was just really being keep creep. I tried to stay polite though and eventually I just walked away to do some more work. I started to avoid him but he was still staring at me. The man had his phone out and I kept hearing the shuttering of a camera. I went to the office to tell my other co-worker that I thought the guy was taking my picture and I was just really feeling uncomfortable. 

the hunter man following me

He then came out and watched over me shortly after my co-worker came out the man and his son then left. By the time end of my shift came I forget about him. A few weeks later I was up front ringing customers with a different co-worker. We were crazy busy that day but I was the manager on duty. After we got the line down my co-worker then handed me envelope uh what’s this I asked her. O don’t know some man in dreadlocks told me to give it to you she said. I took the envelope and I went into my office with it inside of the envelope for dozens and dozens of pictures of me
love letters by chasing man
. My heart sank. I had no idea these were taken. Most of them were of me in the store while working some of me walking home and some even with me and my daughter I felt sick. There was also a no. with it. It said something along the lines of you are so beautiful I am in love with you I’d be a much better husband than what you have now please give me a chance. 
There was more to it but it’s in police evidence now. The guy really stupidly left his name in a dress. I then called our store manager as well as the police. They took our camera footage my statement and the pictures and letter. They told him that he really needed to stay away from me or the next time he’s feting arrested and he’s banned from the store. I was really relieved but still really bothered by it. A few more weeks to about months then went by. It was another really busy Sunday night.

 It was just I as the manager on duty and we had another co-worker as my cashier. We were ringing things up together when I noticed a man staring at me the man was tall with a medium build. He had dreadlocks and he had the same earring and long trench coat as the other man did. This man was really scary. His eyes were just cold and really dead angry. he was looking like a dead man. It felt like they were staring right through my soul. His didn’t have anything to purchase just stood and stared. I tried you smile politely at him then another wave of customers came. I got lost in helping everyone but didn’t see the man anymore. Even when things calmed down I still didn’t see him. I decided to go start facing the back of the store and I told my co-worker to call me if she needed me. As I was back there I heard that Jamaican accent and all over I looked up at the mirror to see that same scary man on the phone. She’s here no it’s just one another girl here with her, I can grab her when she leaves no problem. I was absolutely horrified he didn’t see me so I slowly made my way up to the front. I briefly tell my co-worker what’s going on and then called the police and store manager. The cops took him away. A few days later detective came to speak me the two men were brothers.

cops arrested the chaser

They were addicting women and actually using them for human trafficking. He told me I was really lucky. I later found out that they had apparently found women beaten to death in their apartment. They have both since gone to prison this still gives me really bad nightmares what happened to that women could have easily been me but thank god it .

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

The Dead Boyfriend

It was Friday night and Eileen was having a really good time at her college party.   Around half past 11 she left and tried to contact her roommate Lisa to pick her up but Lisa wasn’t responding. Hello uh finally, I’ve tried to call you like 20 times. (Lisa) Have you seen the time? It’s really late you said you will be free by nine, I was waiting for your call for ages and then I fell asleep. (Eileen) sorry, I could not keep track of the time, can you pick me up? (Lisa) It’s nearly midnight Eileen no way I can drive this late half asleep there’s an 12 o’clock bus that goes to Norman street you might still be able to catch it if you hurry to the bus stop I got to sleep. I have to wake up early for work tomorrow bye. (Eileen) Oh dam!!! When Lisa refused to pick up her Eileen annoyingly started walking toward the bus stop. She was feeling a little unsafe walking alone this late.

Eileen waiting for the bus

 Since, she had heard about quite a few incidents happen at night in this area. It didn’t take her long to reach the bus stop as she was walking quite fast she quickly reached for the bus timetable and felt a relief. When she saw 12 o’clock bus listed for Norman Street there was still two minutes left midnight. Eileen realized that there was no anyone else at the bus stop waiting for the bus apart from her. All of sudden, a haunted voice came over and it was her dead boyfriend. Without wasting any time she quickly got on the bus and felt relief. When the bus moved off she looked outside to see if the man was still there but he was gone. Eileen felt safe in the bus among other passengers and closed her eyes to rest for some time until her stop came. Eileen got out of the bus and started walking towards her apartment. Her apartment was nearly 10 minutes’ walk away from the stop. As she was walking towards her building, she constantly felt like someone was following her. She was too afraid to look behind. Finally, she reached her apartment.
Eileen looks behind to search her lifeless partner
And get in the lift and then her dead boyfriend appeared there suddenly and Eileen got unconscious. (Lisa)  Are you okay?  You passed out in the lift are you feeling okay?(Eileen) I saw him.(Lisa) Who? (Eileen) William. (Lisa)Are you serious? William is dead. (Eileen) Then why does he keep following me?

5 Months ago: - William was a quite nature simple guy who was madly in love with Eileen. However, Eileen always took her boyfriend for granted. She was selfish, mean and enjoyed treating William like a punching bag. But William always looked past her rude behavior and let things go due to his kind nature. One night Eileen borrowed her friend’s car and decided to go a hill station with William. William had an important collage assignment to submit the next day but he still agreed to go because Eileen wouldn’t take no for an answer. He knew that she would spend a week arguing with him if he didn’t do as she pleases. It was cold and horror stormy that night. The hill station was almost three hours away and they were nearly halfway through the journey. Despite, the road to the hill station being quite rough. Eileen was driving carelessly. This was really worrying William. Babe, could you please drive a bit slow?  The weather doesn’t look too good. (Eileen) Why are you being such a loser? Don’t teach me how to drive? I know what I’m doing. (William) You drive kind of rough. It’s worrying me please slow down a bit. (Eileen) Oh god stops telling me what to do? (William) All I’m asking you is to drive a little carefully.

while during going to Hill Station

What if the car breaks down or in the middle of nowhere? I told you I have my final year assessment tomorrow and I have to be home early tonight. (Eileen)That’s it all you care about is your stupid assignment, you’re so selfish. You completely ruined my mood. (William) Babe, why are you so upset? (Eileen)I don’t think I even want to go to the Hill Station with you anymore just get out of the car right now. (William) Wait whoa look I’m sorry. You’re right I was acting really stupid. I promised you will not hear a word from me. (Eileen) I told you just get out from the car. (William) Silently, get off from the car. (Eileen) At least now I won’t have to hear you complaining. (William) Please babe let me in its freezing out here. Am I supposed to get home? (Eileen) Not my problem. After speaking that Eileen drove her car with crushing William’s Foot. (William) Somebody help me I’m going to die here somebody please help me somebody help me somebody please help me. After moving from there she looked up his phone Oh god he left his phone in the car what a loser I have to go back. After reaching there she saw wild animals were eating him and she can’t able to help him. William’s dead body was never found and Eileen didn’t tell anyone this haunted truth. (Eileen) He’s watching me. (Lisa) William is dead, I work tomorrow try to get some sleep. Please don’t leave me alone.

The guilt of William’s death didn’t let Eileen rest in peace and she eventually ended up in a mental asylum.

Written by :- Mohit Verma

Sunday, January 24, 2021

The Haunted cottage

This story of a 15 year old boy named Daniel who was living peacefully with his family far away from his aunt & uncle's haunted cottage.

He belonged to a very rich family and was the only child of his parents. His parents had provided him with all the facilities and comforts of life and he was very close to both of them but one night changed his life completely that night his parents were coming to collect him from his friend’s birthday party. They were driving through the woods, when suddenly strange women came in front of their car out nowhere. Daniel’s dad lost control and their car hit the women. The accident was so brutal that the women and they both died on the spot. Daniel was shattered after their death. Daniel was left all alone he had no other family to turn to except for his aunt and uncle who lived in another town. His aunt and uncle were very sweet and humble. They did not have a child their own so they were very really happy to raise Daniel as their own son.

The Haunted Cottage

However, Daniel was in a miserable state and had no other choice but to go with them. His aunt and uncle were rather poor and lived in a very secluded area in a small cottage away from all the hustle and bustle. Their house was in the middle of nowhere this really bothered Daniel. He could not see any neighboring house from miles despite being with his relatives he felt lonely and started to miss his dead parents even more but his aunt and uncle were extremely loving and caring towards him. They were doing their best to comfort Daniel and did not want to see him suffer. Slowly Daniel was starting to feel much better and was settling down. He started smiling again and was getting very close to them but he stilled his parents very much. One night Daniel woke up to something that shook his soul. Next morning he told his aunt and uncle about what he saw in the window but they did not believe him and told him that they had been living in this house for years and nothing strange ever happened with them.

Miserable women On scary road

This is very safe area and it must be his nightmare but Daniel was sure about what he saw. 

The next night when Daniel was about to fall asleep he heard someone walking in his room. He could not see a thing because the room was dark auntie is that you? Daniel-2 wake up told his aunt and uncle is it ok everything?  He was terrified and looked miserable they were really very worried for him. They were so happy that Daniel coming back to his normal self but now he looked even more miserable than before. Next few nights Daniel could not sleep at all. He was afraid to even close his eyes. This was really affecting his health. He wouldn’t talk or behave like he used to. They could bear to see his health deteriorate like that they felt as if they were losing their own child. When they could not do anything to save him. They decided to take him to a good psychiatrist. After examining Daniels condition the psychiatrist told them that Daniel is suffering from severe mental trauma after his parents sudden death it seems like the loss of his parents has affected him so much both mentally and emotionally that he has developed schizophrenia a condition which is causing him to see things which aren’t real he prescribed Daniel some strong and deciding medications and told them he should take these medication regularly otherwise Daniels condition can deteriorate to the point of no return his aunt and uncle started taking care of Daniel more than ever.

Haunted Cottage's Ladders
They make sure he takes his medications regularly but sadly Daniels condition was not improving. One night his uncle felt really sick and his aunt had to rush him to the hospital in the middle of the night. Daniel was asleep his aunt did not want to wake him up she was afraid that he might not fall back to sleep so he locked him in the house and drove to the hospital. Daniel heard the car leaving and woke up, auntie uncle he realized that he was all alone in the house that was enough to make him paranoid. He knew that any second that scary women would appear from the dark and there will be nobody to save him tonight. This will be his end. Anxiety hit him so hard that he started searching for his pills like a lunatic. All he wanted was to take his pills so he could calm himself and hide under the blankets. When he couldn’t find hid pills anywhere he thought his aunt must have put them somewhere in her room. He got enough courage to get out of bed and ran towards her bedroom. He started searching for his pills but he could not see them anywhere.
Scary Mask

Where did she keep them? A haunted mask that night Daniel found that his aunt and uncle were behind all this. Their plan was to drive him insane and send him to asylum so they can get all the wealth Daniel’s parents had left for him they would have succeeded if Daniel had not found that mask that night in his aunt’s wardrobe after that Daniel left their house called the police for help and his greedy aunt and an uncle finally got what they deserved.  

Written by:- Mohit Verma

Saturday, January 16, 2021


This incident happened to me one year ago our final exams were coming up and I still needed to do a lot more preparation usually our Haunted schools library would close by 5:00 but because of the exams the school decided that library would be kept open until midnight so that if kids wanted they could stay to study and prepare for the exams. My house was not far away from the horror school so instead of studying at home I preferred studying in the quiet calm library and mostly prepared for the exams there that day I left my house at 6 o clock and soon reached the library to prepare for the exams. I was so absorbed in studying I did not realize that it was now 10 o’clock. 

Haunted school

I had never stayed in the library for that long usually I would be on my way home at around 8 even at 8 o clock there would be at least some students in the library but at 10 there was absolute silence. I only had about 10 to 15 minutes of work left so I decided I will just finish this quickly and then return home. I was completely lost in my work when I heard someone limping. I quickly grabbed my books and ran out of the library there’s a very long corridor outside our horror school library at the end of that corridor when you turn right you will find the school's exit door. I went through the corridor and was quickly getting near the exit. When, I saw women standing at the end of that corridor.

I did not know who she was but as I got nearer I felt more and more uncomfortable I got so uncomfortable that I called out who’s there as soon as I said that she was gone within a few seconds I sighed a breath of relief and continued out the front door due to exhaustion and hunger. I could not even walk properly but I noticed that the street was strangely completely empty which was extremely odd because the street is normally very busy even at night you can see people walking there on the street. DJ panic in fear I kept looking at the ground while walking I was nearly home when suddenly I saw a shadow on the ground stretching out to me even though there was no one around me.

Corridor of Haunted school

when I lifted my head I saw a terrifying women walking in front of me I found her very strange she looked as if she was disabled and that she was having trouble walking and she was walking so slowly that I caught up to her in no time now I was so close to her that I could see her clearly she was wearing tattered dirty clothes and her hands and feet were twisted also her hair looked very messy. I found it so strange that I stopped in my tracks. My gut was telling me over and over not to go any closer to this woman. I didn’t even have the courage to overtake her and walk on. I was frozen I could not utter a word due to shock my brain went numb I didn’t know how to answer her strange question out of fear.

 I pointed far away to the  horror women over there I just wanted her to go away she lived to where I had pointed to her and she walked so far away that I could not see her anymore. I was terrified of the thought that she might appear in front of   me again so I ran as fast as I could at that point my brain could   not think about anything else other than finding   someone who could help a car or a person or anyone and then at that moment I heard that women screaming from far away.


Haunted women

After that I remember nothing when I became conscious I found out that my neighbor found me passed out on the ground and he brought me at  home I found aside from him that in 1998 there was a 32 year old women named Agatha. She had a 10 year   old daughter who also went to Eden Hill School one  day  while playing with her friends she had an accident   and died. Agatha could not bear the thought of losing her child. After that Agatha’s goes to a scene roaming around in Eden Hills CO and the surrounding area looking for her lost child. She’s still wandering hoping to be reunited with her daughter once again.  

Written By;- Mohit Verma 

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Demon Women On The Road

 Andrea And Ryan were very close friends who used to spend a lot of time together but for the past couple of weeks Ryan did mot contact or responded to any of his messages and due to virus lockdown Andrea could not visit him which was making him even more worried for his friend's safety then suddenly one day he received a call from Ryan hello Ryan what happened is everything okay? Yeah everything is fine I don't believe this I can tell something is up with you. You have not been replying to any of my messages or calls so you know how I usually finish my shift at Tesco around six in the evening Yeah. Now due to cars lockdown I was put on an evening shift schedule by my manger few days ago when I was driving back home after my shift around midnight something really weird happened what is she doing here at this are there's nobody around hi I have recently started working at the nearby hospital due to lockdown I have not been able to arrange a car share yet do you mind giving me a lift to the nearest subway station.

Haunted Women

she was wearing a clinical mask on her face and there was something about her soul-piercing eyes that I could not say no to her yeah sure no problem oh thank you so much for the ride by the way my name is Natalie oh hi Natalie I am Ryan. Do you usually finish work this late no I usually finish around six I work at Tesco but due to lockdown my manager put me on evening shifts for a few weeks I was actually very surprised when I saw you usually the road is so quiet around this time I have never seen anyone really so how are you finding your new job must be chaotic in the hospital around this time taking care of so many safety measurements yeah so what you do are you a nurse oh thank you just stop here please I can walk to this station from here thanks again for the ride she did not reply to my question and left as if she was in a hurry there was something mysterious and scary about her which left me wanting to know her more and her eyes those eyes were so mesmerizing made me want to see what she looked like.

A Demon Women On the Road 

(Andrea) - then what happened was she there the next night?

(Rayan) Yes she was waiting for me at the same spot and I automatically stopped my car near her like I was under her spell she got in and I drove off we chatted the whole way laughed and I was starting to enjoy her company and looked forward to seeing her again there was so much I wanted to know about her she would always dodge any personal questions but I did not care all I wanted was her company this went on and on for days and I felt myself drawn closer and closer to her everyday I was getting more and more curious and haunted and could not wait to see what she looked like and then one night she was not there I stopped my car at her usual spot uh she didn't mention that she would be off today I hope she's okay then I heard a distant laugh behind the trees huh I started walking in the same direction there I saw her I saw Natalie holding hands with another man they were laughing and chatting don't know why but it made me kind of upset I followed them they both went behind a large tree I can't wait any longer you are driving me crazy.
Demon women

I want to see what you look like. It's time Natalie tore out the man's throat right in front of my eyes she was scarfing down this man like he was a piece of delicious meat. Her face was the most terrifying thing I had ever seen. I ran back to my car in horror and drove her as fast as I could. Andrea- oh god that's insane Rayan- I was so haunted and traumatized that I could not go to work the next few days. My mind could not process what happened. Andrea- Did you call the police? Ryan- yeah and tell what that I saw a demon munching on a human do you think they would believe me ? but obviously I could not stay home for long you know I can't afford to lose this job so yesterday I went back to work and Andrea- did you see her again? Ryan- Yes I did I drove past her as fast as I could pretending. Andrea- Take my advice do not and I repeat do not drive on that road again you are lucky that you are alive it could have been you instead of that Ryan- man I know I have already talked to my manager that I can't do these evening shifts anymore he's promised me that he's going to put me back on my regular schedule from next week oh that's relief but please be very careful until then I will 

vampire women

 Ryan dead body was found in his car a few days later... his throat   torn out... 

 Written by:- Mohit vema

Tuesday, January 12, 2021


I saw the haunted women, hanging on the streetlight on a rainy night it happened when I was in middle school. One day my family decided to visit my mother’s parents house after a long time the house was located in a rural area there’s a big road with a convenience store and a gas station around my grandparents house and down there in the middle is a small trail that takes a long walk to get there it was located in the most isolated part of the village so whenever I walked along the trail all I could see was a bamboo forest or a large area of rice paddies fields and street lights and the street lights are all worn out so only a few of them are operating properly as soon as we arrived I greeted my grandparents and had a really nice and delicious meal with them well it was pretty good then the next evening all the relatives gathered at my grandparents house my parents and others said that they were going to see the nights cape of the night sea with my grandparents but all that time my cousin and I weren’t interested in that much so we decided to stay at home. 

We were chatting for a while and I suddenly started to rain then my mom called me to check the door and go to bed early saying that they were going to stay the night in one of the relatives houses because it was too late to go back so we were sitting back and chatting and watching TV some kinds of that after checking if we locked the door well after a while my cousin kept pestering me saying that he’s hungry I said, hey would you like to go to buy some snacks together there’s convenience store over there. (Cousin) No, I’m scared to go out right now well my cousin such a coward boy and in my case I wasn’t scared at all I could walk at night or watch horror movies by myself.

The Haunted Women On The Road

Eventually I ended up coming out alone to get some snacks for him light drizzle was falling at that time so I left the porch without an umbrella and started at the trail and that very moment I felt really weird I got Goosebumps at first however I soon ignored it and went straight t the convenience store to buy some snacks I mean everything was fine until then as soon as I left the convenience store the rain poured heavily holy crap I should have brought an umbrella mumbling like that I started to rush to the house at that instant the lightning suddenly flashed slowly, frightened I started running faster when I reached the middle of the trial I saw the muddy road and the broken street lights and something was dropping over the  muddy road. I could not see it clearly because it was too dark around but something like a pebble kept falling under the street lights and when I looked up at the street lights my heart literally sank I saw a silhouette of a haunted person hanging upside down on the street light and holding on its column it was a haunted women and she was hanging like a monkey you know what I mean I was so surprised that I couldn’t try to run away just stared blankly at her at that moment there was another flash of lightning and every time it flashed  scary women’s face was clearly seen her crying face smiling face and face with no expression looking at that face my body was cold and stiff at that rainy night.


The Shadow Of Scary Women

I could not move my legs at all the lightning stopped soon and I could not see the chilling women in the rainy night anymore because the surrounding of the trail was dark again I then started screaming and rushing toward the house it was then she was laughing out loud shoot if I turn around she will kill me for sure in ran like a crazy person and when I got to the house I screamed hitting the front door with my body my cousin came out opened the door and asked me if I saw a horror women  or something but I could not tell him what I saw because I was afraid he might be scared I was thinking if I should call my parents to come over quickly but somehow I did not think believe me so I just thought I might have seen something wrong and eventually decided to sleep like that but I could not sleep well that night I kept felling weird there was bamboo forest right next to the window of the room and the sound bamboo leaves hitting the windows was so creepy felling uncomfortable I turned to the window and there was vampiric women standing by the window looking inside our room.

Scary Women On the Door

I could not scream again covering myself with blanket. I was shivering and thinking I should not move but then I heard a strange sound of a song I did not know exactly what he was saying but his trembling voice gave me Goosebumps enough it has been singing like that for a while and then it started on the window open the door it was neither a scary women nor a man knock-2 open the door knock-2 open the door it kept talking like that in a deep low voice suddenly open the door it was howling in an extremely high voice and soon the was turning in to the laughter I recognized that the laugh was exactly the same voice I heard when I had run off the trail a few hours ago I had no choice but waited for the sound to disappear and I guess I fell asleep so faintly the next day morning I woke up to sound of phone ringing at first I was even afraid about the sound of a ringtone. So I did not come out from my blanket until mom and other adults came back. After a few hours my cousin suddenly approached me and said like this hey did you hear anything strange last night to my surprise my cousin also heard that weird song knocking sound and the laughter yesterday so it was not a dream at first we were planning to stay one more day but I begged my parents to go back to home and I could come home right away that day. What the heck was that thing I saw on the trail that day do you think it followed me well it’s still a mystery that hasn’t been solve to this.

 Written by; Mohit Verma

Thursday, January 7, 2021

The Haunted House

Whenever we hear of haunted house, it usually entails a long history of strange and unexplained disturbances but this story is quite different and inspired by true events. I won't be mentioning any names or an exact location but i will tell you that it happened in the mid-nineties somewhere in North-Devon England. We were a family of four and had lived in the house of around eight year without any paranormal events, so it was very surprising to experience this on the very same day. We were moving out. The truck was not quite large enough to fit all our things so we ended up squeezing everything else in to the car which meant that there was not enough space for all of us to travel together. I was asked to stay behind while my parents unloaded everything from the car in to the new house which was not too far away so i had no reason to suspect that i would have to wait long. I was left with a single key to the front door that i locked as soon as they left and my mother instructed me to keep all the windows upstairs closed because the neighbor's cat kept wondering on to the property and getting into the house. One of the things that surprised me though as i went in to my old room was seeing a haunted mirror hanging.

we were moving out from that Haunted House

On the wall that i never seen before as it had been previously hidden from view by the wardrobe that was there knowing that the mirror had been there all these years without my knowledge was kind of strange and it only provided a blurred out reflection due to all the dust. It appeared to the firmly secured to all the wall which i guess is why my parents decided to leave it there. After locking the entire upstairs window and making sure there were no uninvited felines inside the house. I waited patiently for the sound of dad's car pulling up on the drive way but three hours later, i was still waiting and it was already getting dark. Remember, this was back in the nineties and cell phones were not all that common just yet. So there was no way of contacting my parents and i remember feeling extremely bored at the time.

moving down from haunted upstairs

 A cell phone would have been a real lifesaver back then for more reasons than one but i would have settled my old hack sack or even one of my sister's Chittagong to kill the time. Unfortunately, most of the light bulbs in the house had been removed expect for one above the staircase which i turned on although i decided to stay in the living room because the temperature of upstairs  was lot colder for some reason so about an hour later, it started to rain and i was feeling hungry, i regretted not taking anything to eat with me although i did not expect to be waiting this long so i went into the kitchen to see if there was any food that had been left behind in one of the cabinets.

Searching of food in the Haunted House's kitchen

As i searched the kitchen i could not ignore this thought in the back of my mind of being out. I had not even seen the new house yet and the fact that my younger sister got to see it before. I did kind of bother me a little. After realizing there was not any food in the kitchen, I returned to the window in the living room. As, i contemplated several scenarios as to, why my dad had not arrived, yet i heard something moving around the haunted house. At first, i suspected it was the sound of the trees blowing in the wind outside until i saw something that sent a cold shiver down my spine. The sight of passing in front of the window caused me to huddle in to a corner where i waited motionless and completely terrified. Then i heard tapping on the glass from the kitchen window but i could not bear to look to see who it was instead just imagined the same dark figure staring, it got really quiet, at least for a while. The sound of terrible shattered glass coming from upstairs caught me completely off guard. I suspected that someone assumed the house was empty and decided to break in for whatever reason, a though that became even more horrifying as i began hearing footsteps descending the old staircase with no curtains or furniture, even the slightest sound would reverberate through the entire house and there were very few place to hide so immediately suck in to another corner facing away from the hallway to avoid being seen.
Haunted knocking sound from the door

As i anticipated the horror of coming face, to face an intruder the loud footsteps suddenly came to a stop at the base of the stairs likely blocking my only exit through the front door. I could hear the window probably howling through a broken window upstairs chilling every room in the house. I was in a state of panic, until suddenly; i could hear footsteps again but this time heading up the staircase. Now i was faced with a dilemma because the intruder was probably going to wait until the rain stopped before leaving the house and could decide to head back down stairs at any moment. I was not keen on the idea of running outside and the down the street in the pouring rain but i no longer felt safe in the house so i cautiously headed towards the front door. As i approached the door, the risk of being seen seemed extremely likely but i thought if i was fast enough, i would be able to escape and call for help. The horror knock on the door sent me running back to the dining room as i immediately assumed that the intruder had an accomplice and was waiting to be let in. After, anticipating the sound of more footsteps on the stairs, i heard a horror voice at the door. I could not make out what was being said but it sounded desperate.

my father completely soaking wet from the rain 

Then i heard knocking on the living room window so i slowly peeked around the corner to see if i could get a glance of who it was. The poor lighting only provided a silhouette and i still was not sure who was outside, although i did begin to think it was strange that no one had come down the stairs yet. I positioned myself for a clear view of the front door which is when i witnessed the letterbox slowly begins to open. That's when i heard my dad's voice calling my name. I did not hear a car pull up on the driveway or see any lights. I quickly opened the door and was surprised to see my father completely soaking wet from the rain ironically, he asked me why i took so long to answer the door which is when i told him about the intruder upstairs. He seemed strangely convinced that i was making it up and despite pleading with him not to go haunted upstairs, he went anyway only to discover that no one was there. We both searched the whole house and found nothing. No signs of a break-in windows and doors were closed and locked and the carpet was dry. The sound of shattered glass came from the old mirror that smashed despite never falling from the wall and there was no plausible explanation for the loud footsteps, i heard on the staircase. When i asked my dad why he delayed so much to pick me up, he went on to explain that the cat got boxed in by the truck at the other house and had to wait until everything was unloaded before, he could leave and make matters worse, the car broke down just a few blocks away.


To this day, i still get a sense that my dad doesn't believe me and thinks i was just too ashamed to admit that i smashed the mirror out of frustration because i was left alone for so long but i knew what i experienced was real and it's something that has stayed with me even after all these years. As for the person who passed in front of the window facing the backyard, we later confirmed it was the neighbor looking for his cat. However, the events of that night came up shortly after in a conversation with my dad and i asked him why he wasn't afraid of going up those stairs after telling him that there was an intruder in the house. What he said next just left me completely speechless and shook me up pretty good. He told me that he was not afraid because just as he was approaching the house, he saw me in the window upstairs. He tried to wave to get my attention but he said i had this strange scary expression on my face so he gave up and knocked on the door instead. The smashed mirror on the wall, loud footsteps on the staircase and an apparent doppelganger in the window upstairs were enough to keep me away from that haunted house never to return.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

The Scary New Year



                                                      THE SCARY NEW YEAR

Every Chilling New Year

my family somehow manages to throw a New Year’s Eve party without fail. Even if it’s raining, or the year wasn’t that great, they’ve always thrown a huge party. The decoration thrown around the house made it seem so extravagant, but I know the real reason they had these events. To Show off to everyone else. This creepy New Year, I decided that I had enough. Instead of having to force a happy smile and greeting relatives I have no connection with, I decided to run away. Not literally run away from home, but just for New Year Eve. My friends picked me up just before the celebration began, and in my backpack were a bunch of fireworks meant for the end of party. 3 of my friends tagged along; summer, Zeal, and Finn.

We Four In Our Car On Scary New Year's Night

After talking for a bit, we decided we should drive out somewhere quiet and empty to blow up the fireworks. We came across an open cornfield, and there was a small convenient clearing space. Almost like someone made a path for us to go through. Finn seemed reluctant to actually go into the cornfield, but the rest of us managed to persuade him. Zeal carried the backpack of fireworks for us, and we continued to walk down the cleared path. Within the path there was clearing. I thought it was a good place to set up for this Haunted New Year night, even though there were stills 2 other paths continuing deeper into the cornfield. But summer and Zeal seemed to really want to explore more. Finn and I gave each other a worried look, because we weren’t really sure if this place was actually vacant. They promised to be careful, so we agreed as long as they came back quickly. Even though there were 4 of us, splitting up just didn’t feel like a good idea. Especially since this place was so big and it was so late at night. Finn and I sat down on the blanket we brought and chatted about what our Spiritual Coming Year’s resolutions were. He mentioned something about eating more meat, which I thought was ironic because most people usually tried cutting down on that stuff. My main goal was to be less cautious of everything, but situation like this made it hard. That’s when a gigantic firework went off in the distance. 

A Bunch Of Fireworks On Haunted New Year's Night

We looked around, and noticed that Zeal took the bag of fireworks with him. Finn and I knew that it was probably him sitting it off, but we couldn’t figure out if it was just a prank or if it was some sort of signal. We were about to get up and go after him, but two familiar faces made their way out of the extra paths. It was summer and Zeal, who both looked surprisingly unparsed about the firework going off. I also noticed that Zeal no longer had the backpack filled with fireworks with him. Before I could point it out, we made eye contact. Normally, Zeal’s eyes were maroon, but now they just were pure black. I glanced over at summer, and her light brown eyes were now black too. To be honest, I thought it was probably just the lighting and that I was being paranoid for no reason, so I didn’t say anything to them. Whenever I brought up supernatural stuff, I usually got made fun of anyways. Finn yelled at zeal for losing the bag of fireworks, then, said he would go find them. He grabbed my hand, and before I knew it we were walking deeper into the cornfield. 

Black Shadow Of Ghost On Scary New Year's Night

 I could feel summer and zeal staring down at us, but didn’t dare to look back. Their eyes freaked me too much. Once we were far enough, Finn grabbed my shoulders and looked into my eyes. He had blue eyes and I had gold eyes, so it was easy to tell if our eyes suddenly turned black. Finn was also pretty tall, so he looked over to make sure there was no one nearby, and told me he noticed their eyes looks different too. The reason he dragged me away from the two of them was because he didn’t trust them and he thought we should leave them here and called someone else to get them. At first, I found the idea pretty extreme. If they truly weren’t our friends, then we dodged a bullet. But if they were our friends, imagine something actually bad happened to them after we ditched them 

Clearing Cornfield' Two Paths On Horrible Coming Year's Night

That’s when another firework went off deeper down the path on horrible new year's night, 

We decided it was best to pit as much distance between us and summer and zeal. So we followed the direction of firework. Once we made it there, we found summer and zeal sitting in another clearing space. It surprised me a bit, because there was no way they could’ve made it all the way down here without us hearing or seeing anything. Summer asked us where the snacks from the car were, and we were both confused. They said that we followed them down the path soon after they left, and that we just went to grab food from the car right before appearing again. Zeal also pointed out that our eyes were back to normal. Finn and I froze when we heard that, grasping similar these situations were. Then I told them about the weird encounter we just had too. That’s when we realized it was mistake to come here, and knew we needed to leave as soon as possible. In the distance, Finn claimed he saw something towards us on the left path, so we went down the path on the right instead. While walking down, a bunch of fireworks went off in the clearing that we were just at. We all looked at zeal and saw that he left behind the backpack. At this point we decided that the fireworks weren’t, and sprinted down the path and back to the car. Once we were all back in the car and ready to go, we watched as a bunch of fireworks went off in the part of the confirmed that we were just at. Finn hurried up and drove off, not waiting to stick around to see what set them off. In the rear view mirror,

The White Dress Women Ghost On Intimidating New Year

I saw myself standing at the edge of the cornfield with pure haunted black eyes. The other me held its hand up to wave goodbye, and I clenched my hand over my mouth as something pulled her back in. we ended up going back to summer’s house and I looked up the cornfield online. Our faces collectively fell as we realized, those weren’t mysteriously placed paths. They were part of crop circles, and the spot we were in was directly in the middle. 

Written by:- Mohit Verma. 


Sunday, January 3, 2021


THE HAUNTED ROAD :- This incident is about when; I was going to a village of Karnataka with my friend through a Haunted road. I can't tell you the name of village because its forbidden. That was evening of Sunday. When we spring out from our hostel almost at 8:00 PM to go our friends village. we were getting late due to traffic. When my friend saw the time in the phone it was 11:45 PM. I was driving. When time was about 12 PM we were reached on that village's Spooky road. All of sudden my driving instruct due to horn of bus who was beside our car. And bus’s driver was blowing horn continuously without stopping. When I saw backside carefully then I see bus driver was making gestures by his hands for stopping us. My friend looks from outside the window to backside and told me that all vehicles were stopped at their positions. 

The Haunted Road

When me also look backside why everybody blowing horn then I get every vehicle including bus, car, and bikes were stuck to their positions. I stopped my car and started thinking why they all were not coming even there was not any traffic signal.
Then, all of sudden bus driver shouting at us and told us to reversed our car and on next moment luckily he keeps quiet. I was not able to understand the whole matter. There was no danger on that scary road or even it was not an area near hills & mountains where afraid of falling big stones. But why all vehicles were stopped to their positions besides our car and asking for take reverse our car. I and my friend were thinking about this matter but all of sudden, sound of every vehicle’s horn was stopped. And there was became a silence all over around the haunted road. 

The Haunted road In Village

Now nobody was stopping us and nobody blowing horn. Then I saw time in the phone it was night’s 12:00 PM. Then I listened a crying voice of women I just got Goosebumps. I am not wanted to listen that voice even in my dreams. That was haunted voice. Even when I thinking about that voice my mind got sucked and I started shivering. I never ever listened this type of scary voice of crying women. We were very scared to listen that voice. That voice was coming close to us slowly-slowly. I got shocked that day. And all of sudden we saw a flying black shadow who looking like a women coming close in front of our car. Then she sits on the middle of spiritual road and started crying. Her crying voice was increasing slowly-slowly. Me and my friend were shocked to saw that women. We were able to see clearly the black shadow of women who crying continuously by sitting on the middle of haunted road. 

Anybody can easily get afraid from that scary voice. All of sudden, black shadow of women disappeared in the sky. I was badly scared to seeing disappearing of black shadow in front of my eyes. And now I totally confirmed that she was not a normal woman, probably she was a ghost. We turned our car and go back to pour hostel by driving at 140 km\h. I was shivering whole night. This incident is very dangerous from my whole life of incidents, which I almost got heart attack. I was scared but curious also to know about whom am she and why every vehicle was stopped. Are they already know about her and what the story behind that is? To know all the answers, I went to the home of driver who was stopping us last night. Then I appeared to his house. I ask him why every vehicle was stopped to their position and who is she?

The Haunted Road In Karnataka
 Then Driver tell me that many years before one mother and her daughter were going anywhere by that scary road, they got accident and died at a time. From after that time every night her black scary shadow comes to that haunted road and started crying for 5 minutes to missing her daughter. And after crying she disappeared in the sky. It’s happening every night at 12:00 PM to 12:05 PM. That’s why every vehicle was stopped. When if anybody don’t know about that spooky road we trying to stopping them by blowing horn. (DRIVER) when I saw first time the black shadow of women I was got high fever for 10 days. Till now day nobody face her by closely and even she didn’t harm anyone. (ME) when I hear that story I was badly scared it was my first badly haunted incident which was unforgettable.
Written By- Mohit verma


i rose up in what persons would reflect a bad domestic. My mom and dad were in a bad relationship and they did nothing but argue every day. ...