Friday, January 29, 2021


Its true horror story about my stalker. 

A few years back, I was a shift manager for a local big box pharmacy and convenience store. It was right across my backyard and I could probably sprint there in under a minute, if I really wanted to. So it really worked out for me. I was in my late 30 s. I worked out quite a lot and while I was fit and I was still a smaller girl. Even though I was married and I would constantly get hit on and asked out. It was pretty flattering but it always made me feel really awkward. Now this particular store I worked at was in a really weird part of town. It was on the right side of town to attract the cairns but close enough to the not so good side of town to attract the drug addict’s drunks and psychopaths. Anyway, let me say that I am not someone that gets scared easily. I have had someone high on net crash their car in to the side of the store causing the back of our store to bend inward because we did not carry pineapple juice.

The Stalker Stalking me on the way

 I had a man pick me up and throw me over his shoulder and start walking out the door with me saying that I had make a good wife yeah that’s one for the another time anyways it all started on a Sunday morning. I remember this because I was really busy building end caps and making sell signs. I was working with my favorite co-worker so the day was flying by and I was really bubbly this day. There was a man and his son that came into the store and they made a bee mine for me. The man was probably just a little less than six feet and he was skinny. The man had dreadlocks and a long skinny silver earring dangling from his ear. He also had this really tan trench coat that I found really odd because it was summer. Nonetheless though I had then greeted them and asked if they needed some help. The chasing man spoke with a really thick Jamaican accent and he said that his gaps stopped working and he wanted to see if we had any. I let out a really small laugh thinking he was messing with me. Ash no that would be at best buys or something but we do have a small section of electronics on this wall over here.

Camera footage Of tracker man

 I indicated the wall to the back of me. Oh thanks, he said taking a look but keeping his eyes one me. Something about those eyes just really chilled me. He was speaking another language to his son but kept going on about my task for the day and he would all me to help him asking me questions about chargers and SD cards. I answered then and then he started telling me how beautiful I was. Really awkwardly I had thanked him must work out yeah he asked um yeah yoga mostly I replied while getting more and more uncomfortable now. He had some more comments about my body telling me how he loved my tattoos and he was just really being keep creep. I tried to stay polite though and eventually I just walked away to do some more work. I started to avoid him but he was still staring at me. The man had his phone out and I kept hearing the shuttering of a camera. I went to the office to tell my other co-worker that I thought the guy was taking my picture and I was just really feeling uncomfortable. 

the hunter man following me

He then came out and watched over me shortly after my co-worker came out the man and his son then left. By the time end of my shift came I forget about him. A few weeks later I was up front ringing customers with a different co-worker. We were crazy busy that day but I was the manager on duty. After we got the line down my co-worker then handed me envelope uh what’s this I asked her. O don’t know some man in dreadlocks told me to give it to you she said. I took the envelope and I went into my office with it inside of the envelope for dozens and dozens of pictures of me
love letters by chasing man
. My heart sank. I had no idea these were taken. Most of them were of me in the store while working some of me walking home and some even with me and my daughter I felt sick. There was also a no. with it. It said something along the lines of you are so beautiful I am in love with you I’d be a much better husband than what you have now please give me a chance. 
There was more to it but it’s in police evidence now. The guy really stupidly left his name in a dress. I then called our store manager as well as the police. They took our camera footage my statement and the pictures and letter. They told him that he really needed to stay away from me or the next time he’s feting arrested and he’s banned from the store. I was really relieved but still really bothered by it. A few more weeks to about months then went by. It was another really busy Sunday night.

 It was just I as the manager on duty and we had another co-worker as my cashier. We were ringing things up together when I noticed a man staring at me the man was tall with a medium build. He had dreadlocks and he had the same earring and long trench coat as the other man did. This man was really scary. His eyes were just cold and really dead angry. he was looking like a dead man. It felt like they were staring right through my soul. His didn’t have anything to purchase just stood and stared. I tried you smile politely at him then another wave of customers came. I got lost in helping everyone but didn’t see the man anymore. Even when things calmed down I still didn’t see him. I decided to go start facing the back of the store and I told my co-worker to call me if she needed me. As I was back there I heard that Jamaican accent and all over I looked up at the mirror to see that same scary man on the phone. She’s here no it’s just one another girl here with her, I can grab her when she leaves no problem. I was absolutely horrified he didn’t see me so I slowly made my way up to the front. I briefly tell my co-worker what’s going on and then called the police and store manager. The cops took him away. A few days later detective came to speak me the two men were brothers.

cops arrested the chaser

They were addicting women and actually using them for human trafficking. He told me I was really lucky. I later found out that they had apparently found women beaten to death in their apartment. They have both since gone to prison this still gives me really bad nightmares what happened to that women could have easily been me but thank god it .

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i rose up in what persons would reflect a bad domestic. My mom and dad were in a bad relationship and they did nothing but argue every day. ...